So what is the mystique surrounding hypnosis and hypnotherapy?
I’m going to begin with the stigma of course…stage hypnosis, where the unsuspecting audience member gets to run around pretending to be a chicken or such like. This couldn’t be further from reality, a professional clinical hypnotherapist works as a guide to help you to resolve your problems and ultimately achieve what you want.
Simply put, hypnosis is a deeply relaxed state similar to a day dream or the feeling when you are just waking up…nice and relaxed. Whilst we are in a state of hypnosis or trance our minds are much more relaxed, not wandering or distracted, which creates the perfect state to focus and to achieve our goals. All of us may experience depths and states of trance differently and it is normal for your experience to differ each time.
I want you to think of your mind in two parts, firstly the conscious (thinking mind) which is the one that makes all of the noise and secondly the sub conscious, the emotional and feeling mind. The job of the sub conscious mind is to primarily keep us safe based on information it has stored from our past experiences; yet it can be likened to a 9 year old child in so much as it has no real logic or reason . Whereas the logical conscious mind likes to weigh things up before it makes a decision.
Unwanted behaviours, habits and patterns stem from the sub conscious mind, therefore we use hypnosis to access the sub conscious to identify the root cause of your unwanted behaviours without having to think about it and actively make those changes. That’s all hypnotherapy is, opening your mind and allowing a guide to suggest and accept new habits and behaviours that benefit your needs.
And remember, next time you do something instinctively and it kept you safe the sub-conscious mind has just done it’s job!
Personally I think coaching is so important as a complete service offering to you. Some may find that the resolution of your issue is enough and life can continue positively. However, sometimes when long-term habits or behaviours are removed you may need guidance to help move on from the past and to plan successfully for the future. Alternatively, clients may also visit for a stand alone coaching session independent of hypnosis or EDMR.
My coaching method is clear and simple with focus on providing clarity of thought and objectives, motivation and accountability to move you towards your goals. Nothing is unachievable when our limiting beliefs are removed, together we can identify the necessary steps and the level of effort required to keep you focused and motivated to achieve what you really want. I am trained in a wide variety of structured coaching methods and models which can be effectively utilised to get the best outcome for you.