weight management
As a certified weight management specialist and providing hypnotic gastric banding I can help you to achieve your goals by using hypnosis and a variety of complementing therapies to ensure you get rid of the weight and keep it off. My approach to weight loss and it’s ongoing maintenance is completely multifaceted. Generally it involves a combination of the following therapies dependant on which works best for you:
Motivation: Being clear about what you want to achieve and what the real benefit of the weight loss will be for you. With my guidance and support through your journey.
Cravings: We will introduce methods and strategies to deal with those sneaky cravings that are trying to sabotage your success.
Beliefs: Understand your current beliefs about food and reprogramme your mind so you are set up to achieve your goals.
Eating to stop emotions: Should there be any reasons emotionally why your eating patterns are not serving you well, then we will examine those and find a much better and healthier approach.
Whilst as your guide I aim to change your relationship with food, let’s be clear my view on everything in life is balance. Our aim is to undertake this journey together in a balanced and healthy way. There is no quick fix to this or special magic formula even the physical gastric band requires you to change your eating habits, the reason actual surgery can be unsuccessful is that other ways are found of consuming the same thing. So even though I do provide the hypnotic gastric banding I would not feel comfortable doing so unless we had worked to change habits beforehand, this I would rather be honest and upfront about!