About Me
As a qualified EMDR & hypnotherapy specialist in my 50’s prime, I would describe myself as an intuitive people person with an inquisitive mind who genuinely loves people. I care deeply about my profession and have a passion for guiding people to their best possible outcomes to achieve what they really want in life.
I am genuine living proof of practicing what I preach. It took my own journey to learn about myself, exposing myself to become open minded, to be accepting of change and to ultimately put in some hard work to fix myself.
Intro to my therapy…emdr
It all begins with picking up the phone or emailing me, that’s the hardest step…but once you do I promise you will never look back.
I know it seems daunting, but I will be here to guide you through every step of the way, and after all, I’ve been on this journey myself and I believe you can too.
If you would like to chat, feel free to get in contact with me today.
After a lengthy corporate career managing operations personnel in multiple industries, I was honestly starting to feel the strain. However, the love for leading, coaching and motivating people was the driving force within my career. A sudden and dramatic change occurred when duty called to care for my father when he needed me the most, some would say pay back time for my childhood! My new venture was rewarding, dutiful and at times stressful…after all he could be quite some character!
Finally, it took my mind and body to crash for me to truly discover my journey of change. After a mountain of medical tests and processes I was ultimately diagnosed with Chronic Fatigue/Fybromyalgia, my body could simply no longer function! Facing up to my diagnosis and faltering body was a mental struggle especially as I had always been an active person who loved the outdoors, was sport mad and lived at a hundred miles per hour.
Thankfully, during this time I was visiting a Physiotherapist who was very open-minded and believed that deep down the answers to my challenge lay in the intricate connection between my body and mind. I owe that lady a huge debt of gratitude as she recommended that I perhaps explored some complimentary solutions to retire my mind.
And so my journey began! My past fascination from training people using tools such as NLP, coaching models, personality profiles and Emotional Intelligence grew and was replaced with intrigue and a new found inquisitiveness. My love affair with understanding the subconscious mind had begun and the certainty that taking action really does conquer fear. I discovered that my mind needed to be open to new things and that change should be accepted and embraced. I uncovered and discovered parts of me that when re-educated brought me back to life.
It has now been 10 years since I started working with hypnosis and healing. I used hypnosis to uncover the past and reveal the false beliefs held deep within me. The anxious pain and fatigue I was experiencing was released and lessened as I worked to fix and detach negative emotions linked to events and thoughts. The power of change through inquisitive hypnosis and the learning of new practices such as EMDR, totally changed my life and believe me they can change yours too.
Alongside this fundamental discovery and change using all of the techniques that I offer as a therapist today I have become a non-smoker! I had smoked for nearly 40 years from a very young age, one of my friends once said that I should get a long service award! They are now gone forever, using hypnosis this was the easiest thing I ever did.
I have also overcome fears and phobias, changed behaviours and eradicated unwanted emotion, all by understanding where they came from or just by simply making the choice to change and having good practice.
So when I say I’m living proof, I genuinely am and I know that if you decide to work with me you can absolutely achieve your desired goals.
my approach
First and foremost my approach to working with you is to keep things simple and as your guide to get to the root of the cause of whatever it is you are facing and fix it.
You are possibly reading this because you are stuck, fed up or have just totally had enough of something in particular! You may even have tried other numerous ways to solve your problem yet still haven’t been able to achieve what you want. The great news is by reading this I know that you are still trying, determined and with the right attitude to come out of the other side!
My way is to clear the decks so to speak, identifying genuinely what you want to achieve. Once you have some headspace which I can give you, we will be able to be clear about your next steps…and to be honest, clarity wins every single time.
Yes I may use hypnotherapy to identify the cause of your issues but I may also incorporate additional tools and techniques that may work for you personally. The reality is that my approach is to get to the root of the problem and fix it…when you’ve done that we can move on to change or just simply living your best life.
Just to give you an example, my approach would be to make you a non-smoker not an ex-smoker, as everyone knows what a joy an ex-smoker is! Or my approach is to eradicate your anxiety not just to present you with coping strategies (although we may need some of this while on our journey) but together we will get through.
The guarantee I will give you is that I will do my absolute best to guide you to achieve what you ultimately want, all I ask in return is that you have an open mind and give your absolute best all of the time…it’s as simple as that. I will always be totally honest with you and will take you as I find without judgement.
I possess an array of tools and techniques to help you, including hypnotherapy and EMDR, there is no ‘one fits all’ solution as everyone is unique and as such my approach will be tailored solely to you.
I am fully certified, insured and hold diplomas in:
Clinical Hypnotherapy
EMDR Specialist
Hypnotherapy Weight Specialist (incl gastric banding)
Smoking Cessation Specialist
NLP Practitioner
All qualifications are GHSC and ACCPH accredited, I am also registered with the GHR and CNHC.